Jun 092015

I have just been testing DSSR5’s rewritten scan feature. This effectively triples the area covered by your imaging chip and also completely eliminates Newton’s rings. Here is how it works on a PST – DMK21 – PowerMate 2.5x setup.

Scan 20150609085207 text

Click for full size scanned result.

It also allows you to take full disk images of the Sun with a PST and DMK21 at prime like below.

Scan 20150609100546 text

Click for full size scanned result.

DSSR5 is currently only available to members of my user group but will be released publicly soon.

The scanner uses the same file format as DSSR captures so that DVS can automatically add the date and time like the 1123×673 pixel scan below.

Scan_20150611 101552 DVS

 Posted by at 6:12 pm

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